
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church is active in supporting missionaries through the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. ORLC helps support Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump as they serve in Africa and Rev. Arthur and Deaconess Eva Rickman as they serve the Lord in Latin America. The congregation also offers financial support to local ministries including Interfaith Ministries and Faith Mission. The Comfort Dog Team actively supports many local organizations and the ORLC Youth regularly serves organizations and individuals through service projects. ORLC, through it’s Sunday School and Vacation Bible School collections, offers support to various ministries worldwide.

ORLC also participates in Mission trips. In 2019, ORLC participated in 4 different mission trips: Panama, Kingston, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, and Lima, Peru.

In 2020, ORLC is planning another trip to Panama, is hoping to assist with another set of vision clinics somewhere in Latin America and is working with our LCMS missionary in East Africa to see if our congregation can help to establish a relationship with the Lutheran Church in Rwanda.

Preparation is underway for our first foreign mission trip for 2020! Three members from ORLC (Lee Boedeker, Eddie Carlton, and Pastor Snyder) will be joining an LCMS Mercy Medical Team in Sierra Leone, a poor nation in west Africa, for a clinic from May 4-8. They will gather with doctors and nurses from around the U.S. who will provide medical care at the clinic. The local missionaries said that there is also an urgent need for eye-care. After our vision clinic in Peru last November, we were contacted to see if we could bring a team to meet this need! More information will be forthcoming, but you can help us begin by regularly ‘feeding’ one of our elephant or hippo banks, and bringing it back to ORLC on or around Sunday, April 25th. All donated funds will be used to help pay the airfare to Sierra Leone for our team (about $1,400/person). So visit the table by the West Entry and grab a bank today!

Check back soon for more information!


Mission Trip to serve in Panama

February 2019

A team of 11 went to Panama to help restore a church building for a future church plant there.


Mission Trip to serve in Jamaica

June 2019

A team of 5 went to Kingston, Jamaica to help with renovations to a building purchased for a new ministry center, getting it ready for an enlarged worship space as well as living quarters for a pastor/family.


Mission Trip to serve in Dominican Republic

August 2019

One congregational member joined a team in the Dominican Republic that was charged with running a VBS-type event for the children of LCMS missionaries who had gathered for their annual retreat/meeting.


Vision Clinic to Lima, Peru

November 2019

A team of 11 traveled to Lima, to run 6 days of vision clinics making prescription glasses and providing reading glasses for almost 900 people. While there, we also accomplished a few other volunteer tasks for Lima's two Lutheran churches.