Sunday Service Teams


Greeters are individuals, couples and youth who enjoy meeting people and making guests feel welcome at ORLC as they:

  • Welcome visitors and members with a smile

  • Provide directions to the Sanctuary, restrooms, classrooms, etc.

  • Offer information to new visitors the first time they visit

If interested in serving ORLC as a greeter, contact Carolyn Baird.


The ushers provide a face at the entrance to the Sanctuary for everyone entering worship. Their service includes:

  • Passing out bulletins as worshipers enter the Sanctuary

  • Helping people with special needs to their seats

  • Gathering the offerings during worship services

If interested in serving ORLC as an usher, contact John Martischnig.


Sunday School and Bible Class teachers serve with a joyful heart by providing age-appropriate religious instruction to the children, youth, and adults of ORLC. Dedicated volunteers introduce children to wonderful Bible stories and help adults develop a deeper understanding of God’s Word.

If interested in serving ORLC as a Teacher, contact Tina Marten.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild serves the Lord through reverent care for the furnishings of the Altar and Chancel. Their services include:

  • Ensuring supplies needed for worship are adequate

  • Caring for paraments, candles, etc. of the altar

  • Enhancing the Chancel with decorations for special services

  • Decorating the church during Lent and Advent

If interested in serving ORLC as a member of the Altar Guild, contact Terri Williams.