For information about Youth Activites and Bible Study, visit the Youth Ministries page

Sunday School

Every Sunday, 9:15 am - 10:15 am

ORLC's Sunday morning Bible study classes begin in the Fellowship Hall for announcements, birthday recognition, songs, and prayer before separating into individual classes.

Classes are available for age 2 through High School with nursery available for children under 2.


Wednesdays September - April

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Children’s classes are available for age 3 through 5th grade.

Students participate in songs, games, Bible study and memory work.

A meal is available from 5:00 - 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall with a small cost per person.

To RSVP for your Midweek meals, click here.


Wednesdays September - April

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

At ORLC, we hold a two-year Confirmation program. The first year, typically beginning in 6th grade, taught by DCE Michaela Seeliger, students study the doctrines of Law and Gospel, as well as study Luther’s Small Catechism, particularly the Ten Commandments and the Apostle’s Creed. Students meet in the Camo classroom, 306.

The second year, taught by Pastor Jones, students continue their study of Luther’s Small Catechism by learning about the Lord’s Prayer, the Office of the Keys, and the Sacraments in depth. Students meet in the Jerusalem classroom, 204.

Throughout classes, the students study God’s Word, participate in family devotions, and memorize parts of Luther’s Small Catechism.


Wednesdays September - April

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

For students who have completed the Confirmation program, Brian Morgette leads to dig deeper into the Lutheran faith. Students meet in the Youth Education Room, 308.